
Spellstrike is a features-light fighting game mostly focused on striking. It may also have a few spells here and there - my questionable artistic skills leave plenty up to the imagination.

This prototype is my current stopping point as I switch over to other projects, apologies for the general lack of quality-of-life stuff in this release.


  • Wield both sword and sorcery to overcome your opponent in fast-paced battles.
  • Choose 1 of 4 characters, each with a slightly-different silhouette and more-different playstyle.
  • Play with controller, keyboard, or some unsightly combination of the two.
  • (Desktop Only) If you're willing to put up with port forwarding, play online with friends far away with rollback netcode!

If you like reading extended descriptions, check out the stuff further down the page. Otherwise, enjoy!


This project relied on good stuff made by cool people (or groups of people, as the case may be). Check them out below!

All of the contents of the project (including our lovely square-ular combatants) were made by me.

Summary for Fighting Game Players

For folks familiar with fighting games, here's a more detailed rundown:

This is a 4-button game (Light, Medium, Heavy, and Special). Every character has, at a minimum, one attack for each Normal button and 2 Special attacks: one when used in neutral (usually defensive), and another when used to cancel after a successful attack (usually offensive).

Characters have unique rules for canceling and chaining attacks, with a few common principles:

  1. Normals can only be canceled into other moves after a successful hit.
  2. Heavy normals cannot be canceled.
  3. Special moves cannot be canceled, though some recover very quickly.

Specials are limited use: players get 5 "charges" at the start of each round. Specials in neutral cost 1 charge, special cancels cost 2 charges. There's no way to replenish charges (in this version of the game, anyway) - once they're gone, characters lose an important defensive tool.

Also very important to note: there's no blocking or jumping. Should be fine, though. Just don't get hit.

Published 22 hours ago
PlatformsHTML5, Windows, Linux
Made withGodot
Tagsonline, rollback


spellstrike_windows.zip 30 MB
spellstrike_linux.zip 24 MB

Install instructions

To install, just unzip & run. I didn't do the legwork of making it look not-sketchy, so your computer will likely complain, sorry about that.

Online Play

To play, the 'host' will have to forward port 9999 to their computer. When that's done, the host should look up their public IP address and share it with their friend. The client player should paste that IP address into the text box on the main menu and click "Join". 

If everything works correctly, you should be playing online together! Desyncs weren't common during testing, but they are definitely possible. Reconnecting to one another by hosting & joining again should work fine - if you have consistent failures I'll probably need your help to investigate and understand the issue. 

Sorry for the inconvenience, the more-gross stuff (especially port forwarding) can theoretically be improved in a future release, but for now it's what we've got.

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